Safeguarding and school security

Ihsan International School has a moral and legal obligation to ensure that, when given responsibility for young people, our staff provides them with the highest possible standard of care. We are committed to devising and implementing policies so that everyone accepts their responsibilities to safeguard and protect children from harm and abuse. This means following procedures to protect children and report any concerns about their welfare to appropriate staff and authorities. We work tirelessly to ensure that:

The welfare of the child is paramount:
All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs, have rights in general and in particular the right of protection from all types of abuse.

Every child matters
All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

All staff has a responsibility to report concerns to the appropriate person, normally the Designated Safeguarding Person, or member of the management team.

All staff receives appropriate training
The aim of this is to promote good practice, providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of Ihsan International School, and to allow staff to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues in both real world and online environments.


We want to have a happy school, and bullying is not accepted in any form (religious, cultural, race, gender, sexual orientation). In such circumstances, we may send students home if they are found to have been bullying others. At Ihsan, our community is based upon respect for others, good manners and inclusion regardless of race, gender, religion or social background.

We are committed to providing a safe and caring environment that is free from disruption, violence and any form of harassment so that every one of our pupils can develop their full potential. We expect our pupils to treat members of staff with courtesy and co-operation so that they can learn in a relaxed but orderly atmosphere and within that atmosphere, all pupils should care for and support each other.

We involve parents in any instances of bullying, and we always treat bullying, including allegations of bullying very seriously, regardless of whether it is physical or emotional. It conflicts sharply with our policy on equal opportunities, as well as with our social and moral principles.

Bullying can be so serious that it causes psychological damage, eating disorders, self-harm and even suicide, and in the case of peer-on-peer abuse, bullying can also have safeguarding implications. We are aware of our responsibility to our students both inside and outside the classroom; as such, we investigate incidents that take place outside school hours and on visits and trips, as well as any occurrences of bullying within the local community, where our students are involved.



Our clinic is located on site at Ihsan, offering basic healthcare assistant to dealing with more serious medical programs. We have qualified staff who can administer medication, treat injuries and illnesses and make hospital and medication referrals where necessary.

As with every other aspect of our day-to-day program at Ihsan, we keep parents updated through the application and regular phone calls, so any health issues that have been declared at the application or enrolment stage, or any emerging issues during term time, are fully reported and monitored, and parents, staff and management are completely aware and mindful of any given situation.

Fire Safety Policy

We take fire safety very seriously at Ihsan and run regular fire drills so that students are aware of procedures and how to stay safe in the event of a fire. On induction, we take students on a tour of the building and show them the fire exits on each floor and the procedure if there is a fire alarm.

All the teachers have been through a number of drills and will inform students of the nearest exits, ensuring that all students are accounted for on evacuation. We have designated, trained fire officers on site and they are responsible for coordinating a successful evacuation and meeting point, as well as recording the success of drills and identifying opportunities for training and improvement. The fire alarm is tested weekly and students are called on in class to demonstrate that they are aware of procedures on a weekly basis.

Fire Safety Policy
No Smoking Environment

No Smoking Environment

Ihsan International School is a non-smoking environment for both staff and students, and we promote the importance of avoiding smoking in our campuses.



Target Students

Our main school, K1-12 targets national and international promising students with a strong focus on multiculturalism. We currently have 35 different nationalities in our classes.

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